Vaghela (means chase of the tiger)
Tha Vaghela were based in the town of dholka and one of the best major sub-clans of Solanki Rajput.
King Raj Solanki had two wives. He had two sons. First one is a famous king of Patan, Mulraj Solanki who was the son of first queen who is sister of Samantsinh Chavada king of Patan. Second queen who was the sister of Lakhaji Jadeja better known as Lakho Fulani, had son named Rakhayat. Rakhyat married with Raymati and had a son named VYAGHRDEO. She kept him in Vyaghreshvari Mataji’s temple at Aatkot’s jungle and but she was going to be a SATI. Their son was protected by Vyaghreshvari Mataji so he was known as Vyaghradeo. After him, his vansh was known as VAGHELA/BAGHEL/WAGHELA.

The Vaghelas were renowned rulers of Gujarat who expanded their dynasty to whole of Gujarat, North Rajastan, West Madhya Pradesh and North Maharashtra. The Vaghelas were Rajput Branch of the Solanki rulers of Anhilwad. Lawan Prasad Vaghela, a general in the army of Bhimdev-II Solanki. He also gained control over an area known as Dhavalgadh, around present day Dholka. During the latter years of Bhimdev-II's reign, due to internal differences, Lawan Prasad rebelled against the king and took complete control over the areas of Dhawalgadh and Dhandhuka, and also some areas in the south of Gujarat. This rebellion laid the foundation for the greater resistance and resultant overthrowing of the Solanki rulers from Anhilwar, by the Vaghela. The final attack on Anhilwar during the reign of Tribhuwanpal Solanki, was made by Vishaldev Vaghela, the grandson of Lawan Prasad. Although, Vishaldev's father, Vir Dhaval Vaghela had already started to annex territories belonging to the Solanki, and had greatly increased his dominions as well his military powers. Many historians consider Vir Dhaval to be the first actual Vaghela ruler of Gujarat, due to the major increase of his power and control of the various areas of Gujarat.

Vishaldev Vaghela is most widely known and was perhaps the most celebrated of the Vaghela rulers of Gujarat. He won military campaigns against Malwa (Parmar) and was able to largely bring under control the various rebelling factions of the degraded kingdom of the last Solanki ruler, Tribhuvanpāla. Vishaldev was also a great patron of learning and is known for his contributions to the encourage arts, poetry and religious pageantry. Vishaldev, after a long and successful reign, was succeeded by his son Arjundev, who in turn was succeeded by his son Sarangdev. Little is known about the reigns of these Vaghela rulers, but they seem to have enjoyed a reasonably peaceful and properous reign.

Sarangdev Vaghela was succeeded by his son, brave, and unbending hero, Karandev, also known in history as Karan 'Ghelo. Karandev was the last in the line of the Vaghela chieftains of Anhilwar, and also the last Rajput ruler to have held control of most of Gujarat and Saurashtra. Just 2 years after ascending the throne of Anhilwar, Karandev was engaged by the troops of Ala-Ud-Din Khilji, the Muslim ruler of Delhi. The general in charge of the Muslim army, as Alaf Khan, a favorite of Ala, and his half brother. Karan gave a brave resistance, and after a vigorous strugge, the Rajputs finally retreated and Anhilwar fell in the hands of the Muslim, once again. The city was plundered and ravaged. Alaf Khan moved west and destroyed once again, the grand temple of Someshwar (Somnath) at Prabhas Pattan.

Karandev, in the meantime, broken and dishonored at losing his county, his possessions and his wife, travelled to Devgadh in Deccan. He refused to give in to the request of the Muslims to surrender, and started to gather a force to engage the Muslims again at Anhilwar. Karandev lost this war and escaped with her Queen Kamaladevi(Kauladevi) and Daughter Devaldevi.Queen died while escaping. Karandev and Devaldevi went to the Devgadh. Two prince of Karandev and one of his.

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izoj rhu      &     Hkkj}kt] ckgZLiR;] vafxjl
osn           &     ;tqosZn
'kk[kk         &     oktlusf; ek/;fUnu
lw=           &     ikjLdj x`álw=
dqynsoh       &     p.Mh ;k dkyh 

            ;g lksyadh oa'k dh izeq[k 'kk[kk gSA oLrqr% bl 'kk[kk ds vkfn iq:"k egkjkt O;k?kznso FksA
O;k?kznso ds iwoZt igys O;k?kziYyksa ¼xqtjkr½ ds lkeUr FksA vufgyokMs+ ds egkjkt t;falg ds f'kykys[k ls bl er dh iqf"V gksrh gSA bl f'kykys[k esa of.kZr gS fd tc vufgy okMs+ esa Hkhe&nso lksyadh jkT; djrk Fkk rks mlds jkT; ds O;k?kziYyksa ds ljnkj y"k.k izlkn rFkk mldk iq= ohj/koy brus izHkko'kkyh gks x;s fd Hkhenso dks mls viuk mRrjkf/kdkjh ?kksf"kr djuk iM+kA O;k?kziYyksa xk¡o bUgsa pkyqD; jktk dqekjiky us tkxhj esa fn;k FkkA ohj /koy ds oa'k esa vkxs pydj O;k?kznso dk lu~ 615 esa gksuk izekf.kr gks pqdk gSA bUgksusa jhok¡ ds vkl&ikl viuk jkT; LFkkfir fd;k tks ckn esa c?ksy[kaM dgyk;kA jhok¡ ds dfo vtes'k us bl oa'k dks O;k?kznso dh lUrku ekuk gS vkSj blds fo"k; esa fy[kk gS fd mlus xqtjkr ls lu~ 580 esa vkdj eksjQk nqxZ fot; fd;k FkkA 

xqtjkr ds c?ksy ujs'k
chly                       ¼1243&1261½
vtqZunso                    ¼1261&1274½
jkenso                            ¼1274½
lkjax nso                   ¼1274&1280½
d.kZnso                      ¼1280&1300½

              bl oa'k dh fj;klrsa& 

jhok¡ ¼e/;izns'k½] lksgkoy ¼mRrjizns'k½] Fkjknw buds vfrfjDr enjFk] ikaMq] ispkiqj] Hknjok] u;kx<+] j.kiqjk] nsox<+ vkfn bl oa'k dh NksVh&NksVh fj;klrsa vkSj fBdkusa gSaA buds vfrfjDr bl oa'k ds {kf=; mRrj izns'k] xqtjkr rFkk fcgkj ds dfri; ftyksa esa feyrs gSaA
bldh ,d 'kk[kk ukgj gS tks cqansy[kaM esa clrh gSA


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