Bhati Rajputs are a chandravanshi Rajput clan from the Jaiselmer region of western Rajasthan. The Maharajas of Jaisalmer trace their lineage back to Jaitsimha, a ruler of the Bhati Rajput clan. The major opponents of the Bhati Rajputs were the powerful Rathor clans of Jodhpur and Bikaner. They used to fight battles for the possession of forts, waterholes or cattle. Jaisalmer was positioned strategically and was a halting point along a traditional trade route traversed by the camel caravans of Indian and Asian merchants. The route linked India to Central Asia, Egypt, Arabia, Persia, Africa and the West. Bhati Rajputs were proficient horse riders, marksman and warriors. Their reign spread to the Punjab, Sindh and beyond, to Afghanistan. The City of Ghazni was named after a brave Bhatti warrior. In Lahore, a monument exists to this day, which is called the Bhati Gate, named so probably because it opens in the direction of the "Sandal Bar", an area ruled by R
ai Sandal Khan Bhati Rajput. They earned too much by imposing the taxes levies on the passing Carvans.they were known as a great shooter with Gun.

Bhati/Bhatti succeeded his father Baland. He conquered fourteen princes and added their fortunes to his own. Among his effects he reckoned twenty four thousand mules laden with treasure, sixty thousand horse and innumerable foot. As soon as he mounted the gaddi he assembled all his forces at Lahore preparatory to the tika daur, destined against Birbhan Baghel lord of Kanakpur, Birbhan fell in the battle which ensued at the head of forty thousand men.

Mangal Rao and Masur Rao-

Bhatti had two sons Mangal Rao and Masur Rao. With Bhatti the patronymic was changed and the tribe

thenceforth was distinguished by his name - the Bhatis.
Mangal Rao succeeded but his fortune was not equal to that of his fathers, Dhundi king of Ghazni, with a mighty force invaded Lahore, nor did Mangal Rao opposed him but with his eldest son fled into the wilds on the banks of the river. The foe then invested Salbahanpur where resided the family of the Raja but Masur Rao escaped and fled to the Lakhi Jungle. There being only a cultivating peasantry in this tract he overcame them and became master of the country.
Masur Rao had two sons Abhai Rao and Saran Rao. The elder Abhai Rao brought the whole Lakhi Jungle under his control and his issue which multiplied became famous as the Aboharia Bhattis.

Mangal Rao the son of Bhatti and who abandoned his kingdom had six sons viz:

Mangal Rao
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Majam Rao Kalarsi Mulraj Sheoraj Phul Kewala.
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Kehar Mulrai and Gogli.

When Mangal Rao fled from the king his children were secreted in the houses of his subjects. Mangal Rao who found shelter in the wilds of the Gara, crossed that stream and subjugated a new territory At this period the tribe of Baraha, inhabited the banks of the river beyond them were the Buta Rajputs of Butaban. In Pugal dwelt the Pramara, in Dhat the Sodha race and the Lodra Rajputs in Lodorva. Here Mangal Rao found security and with the sanction of the Sodha prince he fixed his future abode in the centre of the lands of the Lodras the Barahas and the Sodhas.
On the death of Mangal Rao he was succeeded by Majam Rao who escaped from Salbahanpur with his father. He was recognized by all the neighbouring princes who sent the usual presents on his accession and the Sodha prince of Amarkot made an offer of his daughter in marriage which was accepted and the nuptials were solemnized at Amarkot. He had three sons viz:
Kehar Mulraj and Gogli.
Rao Kehar became renowned for his exploits. Hearing of a caravan kafila of five hundred horses going from Aror to Multan he pursued them with a chosen band disguised as camel merchants and came up with his prey across the Panjnad where he attacked and captured it and returned to his abode. By such exploits he became known and the coconut (nariyal) was sent to Majam Rao for his two elder sons by Alansi Deora of Jalor. The nuptials were celebrated with great splendour and on their return Kehar laid the foundation of a castle which he named Tanot in honour of Goddess Tana or Tanuja maata, Ere it was completed Rao Majam died, Rao Tano succeeded.

 Rao Kehar had five sons viz:

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Tano Utirao Chanar Kaphrio.

All of them had offspring who became the heads of clans retaining the patronymic. All were soldiers of fortune and they conquered the lands of the Chana Rajputs, but the latter revenged themselves upon Kehar whom they attacked and slew as he was hunting.

Tano fights Husain Shah

Rao Tano succeeded, he laid waste the lands of the Barahas and those of the Langha of Multan. But Husain
Shah advanced with the Langaha Pathans clothed in armour with iron helms with the men of Dhudhi, of Khichi, the Khokhar, the Mughal, the Johiya the, Jud and Sayyid, all mounted on horses to the number of ten thousand men to attack the Jadon Rao Tano. They reached the territory of the Barahas who joined them and there they encamped, Rao Tano collected his brethren around him and prepared for defence. During four days they defended the castle and on the fifth the Rao ordered the gates to be thrown open and with his son Bijairae sallied out sword in hand and attacked the besiegers. The Barahas were the first to fly and they were soon followed by the rest of the Asurs. The victors carried the spoils of the field into Tanot. As soon as the armies of Multan and Langaha were driven off the coconut came from Jiju chief of the Butas of Butaban and an alliance offensive and defensive was formed against the prince of Multan.

Tano had five sons Bijairae Makar Jaitang Alan and Rakecha. The second son Makar had issue Maipa who had two sons Mohola and Dakao the latter of whom excavated the lake known by his name. The third son Jaitang had two sons Ratansi and Chohar The first repaired the ruined city of Bikampur, Hohar had two sons Kola and Girraj who founded the towns of Kolasar and Girrajsar.

Rao Tano
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Bijairae Makar Jaitang Alan Rakecha
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Dusaj Singh Bapi Rao Ankho Malpasao
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Jaisal Bijayraj

Tano having by the interposition of the goddess Bijaiseni discovered a hidden treasure and erected a fortress which he named Bijnot and in this he placed a statue of the goddess on the 13th the enlightened part of the month Margsir the Rohini Nakshatra S 813 (AD 757). He died after ruling eighty years.
Bijairae succeeded in S 870 AD 814. He commenced his reign with the tika daur against his old enemies the Barahas whom he defeated and plundered. In VS 892 he had a son by the Buta queen who was called Deoraj. The Barahas and Langahas once more united to attack the Bhatti prince but they were defeated and put to flight. Finding that they could not succeed by open warfare they had recourse to treachery and killed Bijairae when he had gone with his clansmen to marry the Bahara Princess. Tanot was then invested and taken and nearly every soul in it put to the sword so that the very name of Bhatti was for a while extinct.
Deoraj was protected by his maternal relatives and was kept hidden for a while, he then built a castle in Derawar. Deoraj determined to wreak his revenge on the Barahas and he enjoyed it even to stripping the scarfs from the heads of their females. On his return to Derawar he prepared for an attack on Langaha the heir of which was then on a marriage expedition at Alipur. There Deoraj attacked and slew a thousands of them and then established himself with no opponents. He was treacherously killed while on hunting.
Raja Mund succeeded him and the tika daur was against the assassins of his father who had congregated for defence, eight hundred of whom were put to death. Rawal Mund had one son who was called Bachera, when about fourteen years of age the coconut came from Balabh sen - the Solanki Raja of Patan. He forthwith proceeded to Patan (Gujarat).
Rawal Bachera or Wachuji Bachera succeeded on Saturday the 12th Sravan S 1035. The same rites of installation were performed the Kanphara - split eared Jogi was the first to put the regal lilak on his forehead and his hand upon his back. Rawal Bachera had five sons Dusaj Singh Bapi Rao Ankho and Malpasao all of whom had issue forming clans.
Rawal Dusaj - In the month of Asarh V.S. 1100, Hamir - the prince of the Sodhas made an incursion into his territories which he plundered Dusaj having unavailingly remonstrated reminding him of ancient ties he marched into Dhat and gained a victory. Dusaj had two sons Jaisal and Bijairaj and in his old age a third son by a Ranawat princess of the house of Mewar called Lanja Bijairae who when Dusaj died was placed on the throne by the nobles and civil officers of the State. Lanja Bijairae's son was Bhojdeo from a Solanki princess from Patan and he ruled from Lodarva.
Rao Jaisul conspired against his nephew who was always guarded by Solankis, and joined hands with King of Ghor and slew Bhojdeo who was defending Lodarva.
The Foundation of Jaisalmer c AD 1156 - Jaisal thus obtained the gaddi of Lodorva, but it being open to invasion he sought a spot better adapted for defence and he found one only five coss/ ten miles from Lodorva. On Raviwar (Sunday) the day of the sun a favourite day for commencing any grand undertaking with all these tribes the 12th of Sravan month (about July), the enlightened half of the moon S 1212 or AD 1156 the foundation of Jaisalmer was laid and soon the inhabitants with all that was valuable abandoned Lodorva and began to erect new habitations. Jaisal had two sons Kelan and Salbahan.

Rawal Jaisal Singh

Rawal Jaisal Singh was the Bhatti Rajput who founded "The Golden City" of Jaisalmer in 1156 AD. The new fort that he built was on a hill called Trikuta.


The state of Jaisalmer was positioned right on the route from Afghanistan to Delhi. Taking advantage of this strategic position, the Bhattis levied taxes on the passing caravans
Bhatti Rajputs were proficient horse riders,marksman and warriors. Their reign spread to the Punjab,Sindh and beyond, to Afghanistan. The City of Ghazni was named after a brave Bhatti warrior Raja Gaj.. In Lahore, a monument exists to this day, which is called the Bhati Gate, named so probably because it opens in the direction of the "Sandal Bar", an area ruled by Rai Sandal Khan Bhatti Rajput.

The majority of the inhabitants of Jaisalmer are Bhatti, who take their name from an ancestor named Bhatti, renowned as a warrior when the tribe were located in the Punjab area[citation needed]. Shortly after this the clan was driven southwards, and found a refuge in the Indian desert, which was henceforth its home. Prince Deoraj, a famous prince of the Bhatti family, is esteemed the real founder of the Jaisalmer dynasty, and with him the title of Rawal commenced.
In 1156 A.D. Rawal Jaisal, the sixth in succession from Deoraj, founded the fort and city of Jaisalmer, and made it his capital as he moved from his former capital at Lodhruva (which is situated about 15 km to the south-east of Jaisalmer).
In 1293, the Bhattis so enraged the emperor Ala-ud-din Khilji that his army captured and sacked the fort and city of Jaisalmer, so that for sometime it was quite deserted. Some Bhatti's migrated to Talwandi, now Nankana Sahib in Distt. Nankana Sahib and others settled in Larkana (in Sind, Pakistan) under the name of Bhutto. In Nankana Sahib, the Bhatti Clan can be traced from the lineage of Rai Bhoe and Rai Bular Bhatti. After this there is nothing to record until the time of Rawal Sahal Singh, whose reign marks an epoch in Bhatti history in that he finally gave in and acknowledged the supremacy of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan. The Jaisalmer princes had now arrived at the height of their power, but from this time till the accession of Rawal Mulraj in 1762 the fortunes of the state rapidly declined, and most of its outlying provinces were lost. In 1818 Mulraj entered into political relations with the British. Maharawal Salivahan, born in 1887, succeeded to the chieftainship in 1891.
The Maharajas of Jaisalmer trace their lineage back to Krishna through Jaitsimha, a ruler of the Bhatti Rajput clan. The major opponents of the Bhatti Rajputs were the powerful Rathor clans of Jodhpur and Bikaner. They used to fight battles for the possession of forts, waterholes or cattle. Jaisalmer was positioned strategically and was a halting point along a traditional trade route traversed by the camel caravans of Indian and Asian merchants. The route linked India to Central Asia , Egypt, Arabia, Persia, Africa and the West.

Geographical distribution

In India, the Bhati/Bhatti reside mainly in the states of Rajasthan and Punjab (where they have traditionally come to be known as Bhatti in Punjabi).

In Gujarat, Bhattis have several jagirs in the Sabarkantha District, including Ranasan, Munai, Torda, Bhutiya, Vajepur and Chandarni of Idar and Himmatnagar Taluka being the biggest Bhati community village in Gujarat. Bhati Rajputs in Gujarat are descendants of 12th-century immigrants from Osiya in Rajasthan.

Bhatti Rajputs are also found, though few in numbers in the Rann of Kachchh, where they migrated from Rajasthan in the 18th century. Bhatti Rajputs are also found in Jamnagar and nearby villages, formerly known as the "Halar State" ruled by the JAM dynasty. The Bhatti Rajputs of Jamnagar originate from Kuchchh or Rajasthan.

In Punjab, several villages are populated entirely by Bhatti.
The Patiala and East Punjab States Union has a large concentration of Bhatti.
Bhati Rajputs are in the villages Sahlon, Ghurial (Jalandhar), Phuglana, Salah, Daroli, Machhli Kalan, Lalru, Jhawansa, Tardak, Joli, Samgoli Nagla, Jhhanjeri, Cholta, Badali, Rangian, Magra, Gunnoo Bhattian, and Khellan-mallan, Killianwali (Mukatsar, Punjab), Shergarh (Dabwali, Sirsa, Haryana). They migrated from Jaisalmer in the 12th century.

In Rajasthan, they are found in the Jaisalmer, Bikaner, Jodhpur, Barmer, and some tehsils of Gurdaspur, Shergarh Udaipur (Mohi) and Nagaur (Gaaju, Ladnun).

Uttar Pradesh
There are about 152 Bhati Rajput villages in the districts of Gautam Budh Nagar and Bulandshar in Uttar Pradesh. Apart from these Rajput villages, there are also Gujjar Bhati villages in the region. There are about 365 villages of Bhati Gujjars in the district of NOIDA, Bulandshahar, [Jamalpur]], Ghaziabad and Meerut. In Uttar Pradesh there are several villages where Bhatis reside. These are Kakrala in Budaun district, Yahiyapur in Pratapgarh district, Bhargain in Etah district, and Thiriya Nizamat Khan in Bareilly district. In Awadh, the Bhatti of Awadh form a distinct Muslim Rajput community.

South India
In Andhra Pradesh and Tamilnadu people of caste "Bhatraju" are considered to have come from Kshatriya blood line of Pandavas. Chandravansh Kshatriyas Vikramaditya and Bhatti denote some of the known ancestral origins of this community and that's where part of the name Bhat comes from.
The Bhatti residing in the village of Killianwali, tehsil Malout, Muktsar district, and Shergarh (tehsil Dabwali, Sirsa District, Haryana) have adopted the Sikh religion.

In the Punjab (Pakistan) province, Bhatti Rajputs are found in Nankana Sahib, Jhang, Gujranwala, Mandi Bahauddin, Lahore, Faisalabad, Gujrat, Jhelum, Gujarkhan, Chakwal, Sialkot, Sahiwal, Okara, Sargodha, Fateh Jang (Hattar), Talagang, Hafizabad, Narowal, Bahawalpur, Dera Ghazi Khan, Rahim Yar Khan, Multan, Lodhran, Khanpur, Liaquatpur, Rawalpindi and Bahawalnagar, Vehari, Pakpattan, Kotmurad district Sheikhupura, Sheikhupura cities of the Punjab. One royal family is also found in Kasur (Sattoki), Punjab.
In Sindh Province they are found in the districts of Sukkur, Ghotki, Hyderabad, Nawabshah, Sanghar, Tando Adam, Thatta, Dadu, Hala, Khairpur, Mirpur Khas, Shahdadpur, Tharparkar, i.e. Mithi and Bhit Island, in Karachi.
In Azad Kashmir they are found in Dhal Qazian, Surrol, Malot, Rangla and Dheerkot in Bagh District. They are also found in Muzaffar Abad, Rawalakot and Poonch.


Bhati/Bhatti Rajputs are predominantly Hindus in India, while in Pakistan they are mostly Muslims. When Bhatti Rajputs migrated to Punjab region centuries ago, the local Punjabi people started calling them "Bhatti Rajputs" in the local Punjabi language, as Bhati is pronounced as Bhatti in Punjabi. The majority of the Hindu population of Bhatti Rajputs can be found in the state of Rajasthan, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh; the rest of them are scattered across the rest of India.
The Sikh population of Bhatti Rajputs is in the Doaba and malwa region of Punjab in India.
[edit]Bhati clans in Sindh

The Muslim population of the Sindhi Bhattis is found predominantly in the Sindh province. In Sindh the major clans of Bhattis are the Dadani, Mahar, Mangrio, Bhutto, Kamario, Rajpar, Bhamban and Indhar. All Bhattis are related to Samma clans as they are Yadubansi too. For example, Abro's sub-clans (Mungrani, Kehar, Odho, Sarki, Bhootani, Pechoho, Unar, Khuhro, Bhayo, Junejo, and Phulpoto) are related to Bhattis.

Bhati clans in Punjab

There are about forty sub-branches of the Bhattis/Bhati. Many Rajput tribes in Punjab trace their origin to the Bhatti. Some of these tribes include Mair Rajputs of Punjab, Rajput Jenjer/Janjar, Rajput Mers of Kathiawar, Rajputs of the Bajju clan as well as the famed Jats of the Sidhu dynasty (currently ruling Patiala). Other Jat clans claiming Bhatti origin include the Khaira, Brar, Ghuman, Sahasi, Sansis and Manes clans. In addition the Manj Rajputs are also Bhatti. Other Rajput clans claiming Bhatti origin include the Alpial, Indhar (from which the Rais of Bhong are), Kalyar, Kanju, Uttera, Noon, Dhandla, Wattu, Bhabha, Diyal, Mittru, and Hattar. In Pakistani administered Kashmir, the Narma Rajputs also claim a Bhatti origin.

Bhatti Fiefdoms
In Rajasthan:
talanpur (Ahichatrapur)- Jassa Bhati- Haridasot, founded by Shri viththal das ji in 16th century, earlier inhabited by Nirvan(Rajputs),Shri viththal das ji left Balarwa and settled in talanpur as desired by maharaja of jodhpur. Talnpur thakur also owned jagirdari of Beru near Shergarh in jodhpur and the bone of contention Bichapadi near kuchera(Butati).

Fort Khejarla was constructed in early 1611 A.D. for Maharajah Gopal Das Ji, who was granted ‘Jagirs’ (fiefdoms) of Khejarla and nearby villages for his great achievement in war against the Mughals, in honour of his service to the Maharaja of Jodhpur. The Mughal army rolled in to attack the Fort three times. Each time the Fort was destroyed, it was rebuilt.
In Himachal Pradesh:
Ch. Fazal Karim Bhatt. A famous Sufi Saint of Lahore, he was born in Kasur and died in 1988.
Jadon Fiefdoms.
In Uttar Pradesh:
Karauli  Predecessor state of Mathura founded about in 900 A.D.
In Madhya Pradesh


It is our hope that by providing a stage for cultural, social, and professional interaction, we will help bridge a perceived gap between our native land and our new homelands. We also hope that this interaction within the community will allow us to come together as a group, and subsequently, contribute positively to the world around us.